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»Journey without a Map«
Gabriele Beveridge, Anja Ciupka, Eli Cortiñas, Martina Sauter, Thomas Straub and Jessica Twitchell

Opening: June 22nd, 2012, 5pm – 8.30pm
Exhibition: June 23rd – July 20th, 2012
on show by appointment until August 11th:
closing event: Saturday, August 11th, from 2pm till 5pm

»Journey without a Map« refers to the idea of travelling without a destination in mind and shows a willingness to let chance be the guide to discover unknown territories. The exhibition combines the artistic perspectives of Gabriele Beveridge, Anja Ciupka, Eli Cortiñas, Martina Sauter, Thomas Straub and Jessica Twitchell, presenting installations, objects, collages and drawings. Either openly or covertly the works evoke imaginary connotations inviting the spectator on such a journey. In these works questions regarding presentation, the human condition, sociological relations and gender aspects will be explored. (Jana May)


left: Jessica Twitchell / right: Eli Cortiñas

Gabriele Beveridge, »Less is pretty much the same«, 2012, Magazine pages, frames, chip foam, necklaces, spray paint, 33 x 140 cm (photo: Veit Landwehr)

Martina Sauter, »Falten«, 2011, double-layered photo collage, framed, 30 x 27 cm (framed:  44,5 x 40,5 cm), edition of 3+2

Jessica Twitchell, »Wesen Form Gestaltung Oberfläche«, 2011, water color and pencil on paper, 62,7 x 62,7 cm

Eli Cortiñas, »Uncanny Home I«, 2012 (3-tlg / 3 pieces, Part III), loud speaker, glass, paper, 23 x 18 x 33 cm (photo: Veit Landwehr)

Thomas Straub, »o.T. (Rorschach Test)«, 2010, dry Elder branch, carved and sanded Lime wood; 90 x 100 x 52 cm

Anja Ciupka, »für Clara«, 2011, 8 m long chain with 20 names, 925 silver gilded, Version 11/2011: Amelie, Juli, Elisabeth, Emma, Linda, Martha, Marlene, Anna, Sophie, Johanna, Maria, Lena, Emilia, Maja, Fabienne, Karen, Lotte, Mia, Hannah, Lisa

installation view: Jessica Twitchell, Anja Ciupka (photo: Veit Landwehr)

installation view (photo: Veit Landwehr)

installation view (photo: Veit Landwehr)

installation view (photo: Veit Landwehr)

installation view (photo: Veit Landwehr)